We believe if you love the sea,

she’ll love you back

Lovesea's mission is to connect more people to the ocean in their daily life.

All life stems from the Ocean which makes up over 70% of our planet. Every other breath we take is thanks to the oxygen produced by the Ocean, so no matter where you are in the world, you are connected to the Ocean. Sharks are apex predators and serve as the white blood cells of our Oceans. Even if you've never seen a shark before, you can thank them for keeping our planet and us healthy.

Their teeth have been worn throughout time as a symbol of strength and protection for those at sea. Sharks naturally lose up to thousands of teeth during their lifetime. Each one is unique and can serve as your personal amulet to provide strength, protection and amplify your connection to the sea.

A core part of Lovesea Jewelry is to connect people to the ocean. In their daily lives through jewelry and in a literal sense of getting people in the water. This past December we were able to visit Seacamp Association, Inc., a registered 501c3 nonprofit and donate our first scholarship for a camper this Summer. The more we identify with something, the more we want to take care of it. We pledge to always donate a minimum of 1% of profits to these causes and want to create as many scholarships as we can. Read more about our scholarship and Seacamp here.